Archive for history

“Brunswick & the Slave Trade” Exhibit

Beginning on Sunday, October 6th, there will be a special exhibit on “Brunswick and the Slave Trade” in the First Parish vestry. Prepared by the Pejepscot History Center, the exhibit is specially designed to complement our upcoming October 11th performance of Antonio Rocha’s “The Malaga Ship: A Story of Maine and the…

From the Archives… Pews for Sale?

Where do you sit in the sanctuary?  Are you someone who moves around sitting in one pew on a Sunday and another Sunday trying out a different pew?  Or are you someone who sits in the same area of the sanctuary or in the same pew each Sunday?…

From the Archives… “Our Indoor and Outdoor Labyrinths”

Nearly 25 years ago, Susan Fitzgerald, our Christian Education Director at the time, with the help of other members of our church decided to create an indoor labyrinth for anyone from our greater community to use.  Janet Galle, a member of our church, wrote an informative article for…