Archive for archive

From the Archives… 1925… What’s Going On?

Do you know what was going on 100 years ago?  You may remember that women received the right to vote when the 19th Amendment was approved in 1920.  The following year, President Harding signed a Congressional resolution declaring peace with Germany, Austria and Hungary following World War I. In…

From the Archives… The Ties That Bind – Chamberlain and First Parish Church

Born Lawrence Joshua Chamberlain on September 8, 1828, in Brewer, Maine, “our” famous General Chamberlain was influenced by our church and two other beloved places near our church that captured Joshua’s heart forever, Bowdoin College where he graduated in 1852 and his house which is now a museum…

From the Archives… Our Amazing Women 1930’s – 1970’s

What would we do without women in our lives?  Although their voices were stifled for years in church and public meetings, the women of First Parish Church, similar to other churches around the country, developed a robust women’s group.  As we celebrate not only Mother’s Day this month,…

From the Archives… “Sunlight in the Sanctuary”

In what ways does our sanctuary enrich your worship experience? Its stunning and awe-inspiring wooden architectural designs combined with the gorgeous stained glass windows combine to remind me of God’s overwhelming love and beauty that abounds within us and around us. Feeling small, but safe, within its warm…

From the Archives… “The Clock in the Closet”

Can you imagine 1000-1200 people gathered in our church?  From the 1846 reports, on the 18th of March, it was estimated that these were the numbers of church and parish members gathered to dedicate our third Meeting House (sanctuary).  Our present church sits on the same site as…

From the Archives… “More on the Prayer Shawl Ministry”

Continuing our focus on the history of our prayer shawl ministry, little did Jackie Wild imagine what she started when she brought this significant ministry to First Parish Church in 2004. As she and Jane Primmer inspired other knitters to join them in creating prayer shawls for our…

From the Archives… “The Labyrinth in the Woods”

After last month’s focus on the history of our indoor labyrinth, we will now turn our attention to the history of our outdoor labyrinth. Our archive display on both can be seen in the sanctuary through December.  Although our church and community have enjoyed our  Church’s indoor labyrinth…