Event Series ACA Meeting

Adult Children of Alcoholics and Family Dysfunction Meeting

Pilgrim House Parlor 9 Cleaveland St., Brunswick, ME, United States

Brunswick ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics and Family Dysfunction) - This literature-based meeting takes place Fridays at 11:00am in the Pilgrim House Parlor. This is a closed meeting: anyone who identifies as an adult child of alcoholism and family dysfunction is welcome. Strengthening My Recovery and corresponding text...

Event Series FISHed Jr. High Youth Ministry

FISHed Jr. High Youth Ministry

Fellowship Hall in Pilgrim House 9 Cleaveland Street, BRUNSWICK, ME, United States

Click here to see a poster for our current series, "Drama Drama Drama"! FISHed, our Junior High youth ministry group, meets in Fellowship Hall in Pilgrim House (9 Cleaveland St., Brunswick, ME) on the first and third Friday of the month. For more information, reach out to Bridgette...

Book Discussion of Tracy Kidder’s “Rough Sleepers”

Pilgrim House Parlor 9 Cleaveland St., Brunswick, ME, United States

Join us in the parlor after church at 11:15am on Sunday, November 5, for a book discussion facilitated by Susan Beegel of Pulitzer Prize-winner Tracy Kidder’s gripping narrative Rough Sleepers. The inspiring story of Dr. Jim O’ Connell’s mission to bring health care to Boston’s homeless who sleep...

Event Series WAVES High School Ministry

WAVES High School Youth Ministry

Fellowship Hall in Pilgrim House 9 Cleaveland Street, BRUNSWICK, ME, United States

Join us on Nov. 5th for a special "FINSTA" discussion with guest speaker Meredith Steele. Meredith is a local mom of 2 and social media influencer with more than 1 million followers! Meredith is going to talk about the dangers of comparing your "real" life to someone else's...