Event Series ACA Meeting

Adult Children of Alcoholics and Family Dysfunction Meeting

Pilgrim House Parlor 9 Cleaveland St., Brunswick, ME, United States

Brunswick ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics and Family Dysfunction) - This literature-based meeting takes place Fridays at 11:00am in the Pilgrim House Parlor. This is a closed meeting: anyone who identifies as an adult child of alcoholism and family dysfunction is welcome. Strengthening My Recovery and corresponding text...

Event Series Indoor Labyrinth Walks

Indoor Labyrinth Walk

Fellowship Hall in Pilgrim House 9 Cleaveland Street, BRUNSWICK, ME, United States

The Indoor Labyrinth Canvas will be available to walk on this date in the Pilgrim House from noon to 7:00 pm. The path awaits you. Whether you are seeking a meditative experience or a respite from the hectic pace of life, the labyrinth can encircle you in its...

Event Series Holy Week

Good Friday Service


We gather on Good Friday to tell the hardest story in our faith through readings and song. As the lights are slowly extinguished, we will journey beside Christ through betrayal, abandonment, and death.

Event Series Holy Week

Easter Sunrise Service

Bike path along the Androscoggin River

The sun is scheduled to rise at 6:22 a.m. You are invited to come a little early and be in silence as the sun rises. The service will be held on the bike path along the Androscoggin River (see location circled in red on the map linked here), parking...

Event Series Holy Week

Easter Morning Fellowship Breakfast

Fellowship Hall in Pilgrim House 9 Cleaveland Street, BRUNSWICK, ME, United States

Following our Easter Sunrise Service is a Fellowship Breakfast in First Parish Church's Fellowship Hall! Join us for the Easter Sunrise Service and then come and enjoy this community breakfast. We begin serving at roughly 7:00am and plan to finish up around 8:30am. No reservations or RSVPs are...