Event Series ACA Meeting

Adult Children of Alcoholics and Family Dysfunction Meeting

Pilgrim House Parlor 9 Cleaveland St., Brunswick, ME, United States

Brunswick ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics and Family Dysfunction) - This literature-based meeting takes place Fridays at 11:00am in the Pilgrim House Parlor. This is a closed meeting: anyone who identifies as an adult child of alcoholism and family dysfunction is welcome. Strengthening My Recovery and corresponding text...

Event Series Al-Anon Meeting

Al-Anon Meeting

Pilgrim House Parlor 9 Cleaveland St., Brunswick, ME, United States

The Sunday Al-Anon meeting gathers from 6:30-7:30PM every week. Al-Anon is for Families and Friends of Alcoholics is the selected literature.

Event Series Cherub Choir

Cherub Choir


The Cherub Choir (ages 4 through first grade) rehearses on Tuesday evenings from 5:00-5:30pm! For more information, contact our Minister of Music, Dr. Jane Hagness.