Event Series Fellowship Breakfast

Fellowship Breakfast

Fellowship Hall in Pilgrim House 9 Cleaveland Street, BRUNSWICK

Every third Sunday of the month (through May) is a Fellowship Breakfast Sunday at First Parish Church! We have a community breakfast in Fellowship Hall before the start of worship. We begin serving at 8am and usually finish up by 9:15am. No reservations or RSVPs are needed and...

Event Series Practicing the Psalms

Practicing the Psalms


WHEN: After worship on Sunday: 11:15am-12:15pm, March 17. WHERE: Pilgrim House Chapel WHAT: Lenten Experiential Gatherings: Spiritual practices for praying the Psalms. The final session of our series will use a spiritual practice to help us encounter the Psalms anew. This session will include time practicing together, and...

Event Series Al-Anon Meeting

Al-Anon Meeting

Pilgrim House Parlor 9 Cleaveland St., Brunswick

The Sunday Al-Anon meeting gathers from 6:30-7:30PM every week. Al-Anon is for Families and Friends of Alcoholics is the selected literature.