“While We Sleep”
"In vain you get up earlier, and put off going to bed…since he provides for his beloved as they sleep. "
Psalm 127:2 (NJB)
I like to read the UCC Daily Devotions online, and one written by Tony Robinson in August 2019 struck a chord with me. It was based on the verse quoted above. Tony reminded those of us who think it all rests on our shoulders that God is acting on behalf of us and the world, even during our down time. He concludes his meditation with these words: “Even if we are not active, that doesn’t mean that nothing is being done. God is providing ‘for his beloved as they sleep.’ Trust this. And sweet dreams.”
It makes me think of garlic.
My husband and I are both garlic lovers. We are also vegetable gardeners, but it didn’t occur to us to plant garlic as one of our crops till about a dozen years ago. In case growing garlic isn’t one of your regular activities, I will provide a synopsis of the process: 1) In late October, divide a bulb of garlic into individual cloves. 2) Prepare the soil. 3) Plant the cloves, pointy-end up, covered by 3 inches of soil. 4) When the bed is planted, cover with 6 inches of mulch. 5) Wait.
Through the long sleep of winter, the garlic is dead and buried. Nothing is happening… or so it seems. But come spring, you realize you were wrong, because now there are green sprouts poking through the mulch. You hadn’t done anything, but something mighty powerful had been happening underground.
As St. Paul reminds us, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.” Thanks be for all the saints who plant and water. And praise be to God, who gives the growth!