Planned Giving

Planned Giving

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Planned Giving

It’s Your Choice…

You’ve worked hard for what you have, and now you want to make wise choices. You want to make a difference, to improve your community, to leave something of value for the next generation.

There are many ways, with advance planning, you can accomplish your goal. Most of the methods have distinct tax advantages.  Some actually improve your income.

Since it was founded in 1717, First Parish Church has been a source of strength in the region. The Upjohn-designed sanctuary has gathered generations of worshippers into service. Maintaining this historic building is a privilege and a challenge. Your gifts can help ensure that the building and the outreach continue to touch the lives of people in the community.

In the Beginning…

Taxes originally paid for First Parish Church.  Settlers in the newly chartered 18th Century town of Brunswick were assessed for town services, which included the church building and minister’s salary.

By 1845, when  our current structure was designed by famed architect Richard Upjohn, First Parish Church was no longer supported by public dollars.  Members were assessed by the church’s Prudential Committee and “bought” their pews.

Today’s membership is varied: families whose Brunswick roots go back for generations, newcomers to the area, Bowdoin college students and faculty, retirees, laborers and business people, families, and individuals.

All draw strength from the history of the church; all contribute to the vitality of its presence in the community.

For further information contact the Chair of the Planned Giving Committee, Ms. Wanda Webber Snyder at

Our Projects

The Adams window given by General Joshua Chamberlain in honor of his father-in-law, Rev. George Adams.

Wills and Bequests

Your will names specific beneficiaries of your estate: family, friends, charitable organizations.  It is a testament of your concern for the welfare of others.  To benefit the church, he following wording is suggested:

The Adams window given by General Joshua Chamberlain in honor of his father-in-law, Rev. George Adams.

Gifts of Life Insurance

If you have substantial property or investments which you would like First Parish Church to have eventually but need the income in the meanwhile, consider annuities, pooled income funds, or unitrusts. 

Gifts of Securities

If you make a gift of the stock to First Parish Church, there is no capital gains tax on the increased value, and you may deduct the full current market value as a charitable income tax deduction, regardless of the original cost.  To maximize your tax benefits, contribute the stock directly to the church rather than selling it and donating the proceeds.

Gifts of Valuables

This includes antiques, art objects, books, jewelry, paintings, or other property you have collected or inherited which, if owned at the time of your death, will be subject to estate taxes.  The fair market value at the time of a gift-in-kind qualifies as a charitable income tax deduction.

This balcony photo highlights some of the wooden arches, supports and pews.

Charitable Remainder Trust

With this process you transfer specific assets to a trust which pays you income for life (yours and your spouse’s).

Gifts of Real Estate

If the real estate has appreciated in value since you purchased it, you can avoid paying capital gains tax by donating the real estate to First Parish Church.

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Other Teams & Committees

First Parish offers any opportunities to get involved, teams and committees are always looking for new members. Take a look at these opportunities to get more involved in our mission to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.

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