From the Archives… “Sunlight in the Sanctuary”

In what ways does our sanctuary enrich your worship experience? Its stunning and awe-inspiring wooden architectural designs combined with the gorgeous stained glass windows combine to remind me of God’s overwhelming love and beauty that abounds within us and around us. Feeling small, but safe, within its warm…

April Special Offering: Oasis Free Clinics

Outreach news: We have received $2,930.00 to date for One Great Hour of Sharing, our March special offering. Thank you for your generosity! Our special offering in April will support The Oasis Free Clinics. This is our annual opportunity to give to this important community service. Oasis Free…

Palm Sunday Ice Storm

Due to the overnight ice storm the church as no power. We will hold a simple service in our sanctuary this morning at 10am for those who can safely make it to church, but we strongly encourage you to use your best judgement about whether it is safe…

From the Archives… “The Clock in the Closet”

Can you imagine 1000-1200 people gathered in our church?  From the 1846 reports, on the 18th of March, it was estimated that these were the numbers of church and parish members gathered to dedicate our third Meeting House (sanctuary).  Our present church sits on the same site as…

Ann’s Spirituality Library March Article

It is easy to give thanks to God when we awake to the vibrant colors in Maine. Some of our perennials are poking their heads above the ground almost to ask if it’s time for them to take a bow.  As we continue on our personal Lenten journeys, The…

March Special Offering: One Great Hour of Sharing

Outreach News: We have received $2,014.00 to date for The Gathering Place, our February special offering. This offering will help them fund the overnight warming center services this winter. Thank you for your generosity!  Our special offering in March is One Great Hour of Sharing. One Great Hour of…

Ann’s Spirituality Library February Article

Because Easter is on the 31st of March this year, this month we will begin the season of Lent.  Over the years, I have found that Easter is that much more meaningful if I dedicate some time and focus daily to my Lenten journey.  Perhaps you have considered…

From the Archives… “More on the Prayer Shawl Ministry”

Continuing our focus on the history of our prayer shawl ministry, little did Jackie Wild imagine what she started when she brought this significant ministry to First Parish Church in 2004. As she and Jane Primmer inspired other knitters to join them in creating prayer shawls for our…

The Gathering Place February Special Offering

Outreach News: Your gifts to Tedford Housing in January totaled $1,478.00. The Outreach Committee is pleased to announce that our special offering in February will benefit The Gathering Place and particularly the added costs associated with operating the warming center seven nights a week. When the temperatures drop…

From the Archives… “Prayer Shawl Ministry”

We are a congregation of generous and active people who contribute in meaningful ways by practicing our faith each day.  The focus of our archive display for January and February is our Prayer Shawl Ministry that was started in 2004 by the late Jacqueline Wild, the former spouse…