Sunday Worship 10am (livestream)
We are a welcoming and inclusive congregation practicing God’s love together.
Vision & Mission
Do justice. Love kindness. Walk humbly.
First Parish Church is open to everyone and welcomes participation in the full life, leadership, and ministry of the Church. We are a diverse congregation. We welcome persons of any race, gender, ethnic origin, mental or physical ability, religious tradition, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and economic circumstances. We affirm that the love of Christ for each person knows no bounds.
No matter who you are, or where you are on your journey of faith, you are welcome here.
We are open-minded and encourage religious questions. We learn from each other’s insights and experience. We grow in faith together.
John is our Senior Pastor. He began his ministry in Brunswick in October, 2021. He has been a United Church of Christ pastor for 10 years.
Francesco serves FPC as our Associate Pastor. Francesco was born in northeastern Ohio. Beginning a career as an elementary school teacher, Francesco taught for 12 years, ending his teaching career in the high school classroom.
Jane Hagness joined the staff in 2017 as Minister of Music. Jane is a conductor, organist and lyric soprano.
Bridgette has been working at FPC in the Children's program in growing capacity since around 2016. With a degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education, 25yrs of Nanny experience for all ages, combined 14yrs of Jr High Ministry, and combined [...]
Sarah is our Office Administrator. She is originally from Scarborough, Maine and has a B.A. in Theatre and Religion from St. Olaf College and two Master of Arts degrees.
Julie is our Finance Administrator. She joined the First Parish staff in 2023 after working as the bookkeeper of The Portland Club in Portland, ME. Julie also works part time as a landscape gardener.
Jared is our Worship Broadcaster. He runs the livestream and audio-visual systems for our services.
Bridgette has been working at FPC in the Children's program in growing capacity since around 2016. With a degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education, 25yrs of Nanny experience for all ages, combined 14yrs of Jr High Ministry, and combined [...]
Jocelyn, a Brunswick native, has been working in the FPC nursery since sometime around 2008. With her BA in Early Childhood Education from UMF, Jocelyn taught preschool for several years before moving into her current position in the functional skills classroom [...]
Danielle is Brunswick born and raised. Her nurturing nature started early with her mother operating a daycare out of their home growing up...
Melissa, a Brunswick native grew up less than a mile from First Parish Church. Melissa has many memories throughout the years involving the church and its community, singing on the fellowship hall stage in the Little Bo peep nursery school [...]
Our staff collaborates with elected leadership groups to set goals for our life together. We have four selected groups in total.
The Church Council is authorized to make decisions on behalf of the congregation between congregational meetings.
The Finance Committee supports the council by generating and maintaining church funds to support the organizations.
Deacons of the Church assist the council and perform various functions like baptisms, marriages, sacraments, and others.
Our Ministry Forum comprises the Church Council, staff, committee, and team chairs. They facilitate communication and collaboration between the Church’s various ministries.
The early records and documents of the congregation are available online through the congregational library and archives.
We belong to the United Church of Christ, a denomination that believes God is Still Speaking. We are always open to what God is doing next, which is why the UCC is called the “church of firsts.” Our denomination was the first in the nation to:
Locally, we belong to the Cumberland Association, which is part of the Maine Conference Of The United Church Of Christ. In the UCC, local churches can call their pastors and develop their worship style and governance structure. At the same time, our connection to the denomination expands our witness and service in ever-widening circles.
We come together to form a beautiful and loving community that holds each other up. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we would love to share it with you. All religious questions are encouraged and gladly answered.
First Parish Church is a vital and active community. Here are some of the ways to join us in ministry and community.