November Special Offering: Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program (MCHPP)

Our November Special Offering will support the Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Project (MCHPP).

MCHPP’s mission is “to offer dignity and empowerment by providing all members of our community with access to healthy food.” MCHPP provides access to groceries through their on-site pantry, satellite pantries, sharing tables and home delivery. Meals are provided at the soup kitchen in Brunswick 4 days a week. Youth services include the summer lunch program and school pantries in Brunwick and Topsham. MCHPP also offers free access within its food inventory to smaller food pantries across the region. This year, in addition to a monetary gift, please consider helping our children and youth collect boxes of cereal to donate to MCHPP. You’ll find a collection box in the church near the entry to the vestry.

Here are just a few statistics from their 2023/2024 annual report:

Participation in their food pantry program grew 30% in the past year.

Services were expanded to Harpswell residents. Residents can now access free food five days a week at their Town Office.

MCHPP’s two home delivery programs provided 4,767 personalized grocery deliveries to medically homebound individuals or those living in poorly resourced neighborhoods.

Many of our church members are among the 722 volunteers who provided 36,911 hours of service at MCHPP in 2023/24! To learn more about specific programs, read their annual report, or to volunteer please visit

Our gifts to MCHPP will be collected throughout the month of November. To donate online to this month’s Special Offering, visit our E-Giving page and select “November/Thanksgiving Special Offering: MCHPP” from the Fund drop-down menu. To donate by check, be sure to specify “Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program” or “MCHPP” in the memo line.

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