First Parish Church New Mainers Welcoming Team
– An Update from Priscilla and Margaret (12/18/2024) –
Thanks to your generosity through this year, our two New Mainer families will be receiving Christmas gifts on behalf of the congregation.
Jose’s teenage children will receive gift cards for TJ Maxx and Jose will receive a Hannaford Gift card.
Chizzy’s children will be receiving new winter clothing, including pants, shirts, jackets, socks, boots, and gloves. We have gifted Chizzy with flannel leggings, a winter vest, a hat and gloves. So they will be well equipped for the weather yet to come!
Chizzy is working full time as a CNA at Mid Coast Hospital and Jose, with recently acquired transportation, is seeking work.
The Welcoming Team members so appreciate the support you have and are providing these two New Mainer families. Thank you.
Merry Christmas and a blessing-filled New Year to one and all.
– Margaret Hutchins and Priscilla Bizer, Co-chairs
The New Mainers Welcoming Team